Lucid LASS 8-11 – Learning Assessment for 8 to 11-year-old students
About LASS 8-11
LASS (Learning Assessment System) is a fully digitised multi-function assessment system for use with students in the age range 0:8 – 11:11. It comprises the following nine subtests:
• Sentence reading
• Single word reading
• Spelling
• Phonic skills
• Non-verbal reasoning
• Verbal reasoning
• Auditory sequential memory
• Visual memory
• Phonological processing
LASS 8–11 enables teachers to:
• obtain a reasonable estimate of the student’s intelligence
• assess the student’s attainments in reading and spelling
• measure discrepancies between actual and expected literacy attainment
• identify underlying problems in memory or phonological processing skills
• identify students with dyslexia (specific learning difficulties)
• monitor development in reading and spelling on a regular basis
• assess improvements in memory, phonological and phonic decoding skills.
About the subtests
An outline of each subtest is given in Table 1 on the following page.
LASS 8–11 comprises three attainment subtests (Single word reading, Sentence reading and Spelling), two ability subtests (Verbal reasoning and Non-verbal reasoning) and four diagnostic subtests (Mobile phone, Sea creatures, Funny words and Word chopping auditory sequential memory, visual memory, phonic skills and phonological processing).
Seven of the nine subtests are adaptive, i.e. the items delivered are based on the performance of the student (see manual for further details). The remaining two subtests (Sea creatures and Mobile phone) are progressive in format, i.e. they utilise a graded series of items of increasing difficulty, together with a discontinuation algorithm whereby the test will automatically cease once the student’s ability level has been exceeded beyond reasonable statistical error.
For each subtest, instructions are spoken by the computer, and practice items are given to familiarise the student with the subtest requirements. When the student has completed the practice items, the test phase begins. The program automatically discontinues the subtest when the student’s ability level has been exceeded. Please see the user manual for further guidance.
Accessing LASS for the first time
LASS runs on the GL Ready platform at
Step 1: You will be set up with a GL Ready account and a LASS subscription.
Step 2: You will receive a welcome email from with information on how to access the platform.
Step 3: Before logging in for the first time, set your new password via the ‘Set or reset your password’ link at
You will then receive a second ‘password reset’ email. Follow the instructions in the email to create a secure login for GL Ready.
Step 4: Log in to your GL Ready account and start setting up your students and assigning LASS (click the Support button for details).
Step 5: Check the status of your LASS subscription in the ‘Manage school’ tab at the top of your GL Ready page.
To ensure the security of your students’ personal data, please follow current best practice for password security.