MindPlay – How to Deselect Unwanted Classes in Classlink

Jan 24, 2020•Knowledge

This article is designed to help you control the classes you would like students to be enrolled in through ClassLink. ClassLink is a third-party program designed to help students and teachers manage various learning program credentials. ClassLink will sync with, the Mindplay Virtual Reading Coach and allow students to sign in to this program. When creating a ClassLink for student’s teachers have the option to add students to a class for Mindplay. Often, too many classes are available and Mindplay will automatically select the first available class, whether it is a Mindplay class or not. Here you will learn how to deselect classes so the only options for classes will be the correct ones.

1. From the Classlink Launch Page, click on “Classlink Roster Server”. This will take you to the Classlink Dashboard.

2. In the Classlink Dashboard, click on “Applications”.  

3. From the Applications page, click on the MindPlay Edit Icon (Pencil). 

4.  Then click the “Advanced” setting in the MindPlay Edit page.

5.  Once you hit the “Advanced” selection a drop-down menu will appear. In the drop-down menu, click the “Classes” selection. 

6. From here you will be able to select and deselect unwanted classes.