CAT4 Digital Gold Bundle (Single Test)


An assessment of reasoning ability can identify where a student’s real strengths lie, free from the constraint of the curriculum and unencumbered by learning barriers.

CAT4 provides a robust, standardised measure of cognitive reasoning ability, without reference to curriculum-based material and regardless of previous achievements or first language. With CAT4, you get invaluable insight into your students’ ability to reason across four distinct batteries: verbal, non-verbal, quantitive and spatial, as compared to the national average. This allows you to pinpoint underachievement and identify gifted and talented pupils, address patterns and adapt your teaching methods to suit individual or group needs, ensure feedback is appropriate and targets are achievable.

Gold reports

  • Group Report for Teachers
  • Individual Student Report for Teachers, Students and Parents
  • Cluster Report
  • Excel Cluster Report
  • Strategic Report
  • Excel Report
  • CAT4 Combination Report
  • Reports for senior leaders
  • Summary Report for Senior Leaders (includes detailed analysis, by SEND, EAL, and two customisable categories)
  • PowerPoint Presentation for Senior Leaders (not available for CAT4 Young Learners)

Reports include appropriate indicators including GCSE, A Level, KS2 and SATs level.

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CAT4 – Cognitive Abilities Test (4th Edition)

Quick Reference Guide
Student age range: 6-17 + Years
Designed for: Teachers, Curriculum Co-ordinators and School Counsellors
Test duration: 45 minutes per part. 2 hrs 15 mins in total.
Test format: Digital
Test Scoring: Automatic

The Cognitive Abilities Test: Fourth Edition (CAT4) has been developed and normed in the UK.  It consists of four different tests designed to measure different aspects of cognitive functioning that are all predictive of academic outcomes. By measuring a student’s ability to reason with different types of material, CAT4 allows you to assess the way a student thinks and how they will learn best, and in turn, enables you to adapt teaching accordingly.

The test is not based on any curriculum or dependent on prior learning, offering a fair assessment of ability regardless of a student’s prior schooling. Because three of the four batteries are not reliant on knowledge of the English language, the test is ideal for assessing EAL students.

CAT4 provides a unique profile of students’ strengths and weaknesses across four tests: Verbal, Non-Verbal, Quantitative and Spatial Reasoning. The data can be used to identify specific groups of students including special educational needs and gifted and talented. Students with a high spatial score are likely to be strong in STEM subjects.

CAT4 will support schools in understanding their students’ developed abilities, likely academic potential and learning preferences, informing teaching and learning and supporting student feedback, progress monitoring and target setting for future attainment.

The CAT4 reports provide indications of likely examination results allowing schools to set challenging but realistic targets. The data is displayed in tabular and graphical form to make it easy to understand and is backed up with a series of narratives that explain and interpret test outcomes for teachers, students, parents and other stakeholders.

CAT4 supports teachers in:

  • Personalising teaching and learning
  • Communicating with students, parents and stakeholders
  • Identifying the most able students and their specific needs, as well as those students who may need additional learning support
  • Establishing challenging yet achievable targets for every student
  • Providing context for attainment


Following administration, a range of reports are automatically generated. No need to data-crunch. Data is presented in visually accessible tables, bar charts and scatter graphs that allow for easy comparison, as well as clear narrative explanations that explain the student profile and its implications for teaching and learning. A variety of reports are generated:

  • Group Report for Teachers
  • Individual Student Report for Teachers, Students and Parents
  • Cluster Report
  • Excel Cluster Report
  • Strategic Report
  • Excel Report
  • CAT4 Combination Report
  • Reports for senior leaders
  • Summary Report for Senior Leaders (includes detailed analysis, by SEND, EAL, and two customisable categories)
  • PowerPoint Presentation for Senior Leaders (not available for CAT4 Young Learners)
  • Reports include appropriate indicators including GCSE, A Level, KS2 and SATs level.

Results from the CAT4 can be compared with measures of academic achievement (such as the NGRT) and of student attitudes (such as the PASS). Together, these enable teachers to build a more detailed understanding of student needs. Combining results with other assessments, such as Student Attitudes to Self and School (PASS), teachers are able to:

  • spot trends (at individual, group or school level)
  • identify Students who could be achieving more
  • drill down into anomalies and put early intervention strategies in place

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