NGRT – New Group Reading Test


The New Group Reading Test (NGRT), developed and normed in the UK,  enables you to assess your students’ reading and comprehension skills in a single test – helping to identify those students who may need further support and benchmarking their performance against other students of the same age.

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New Group Reading Test NGRT

Quick Reference Guide
Suitable for: 6 – 15 years
Student Reading Level: Adapts to student’s reading level
Test Format: Online through GL Education’s TestWise platform
Test Duration: Varies (adaptive); approximately 30 – 40 minutes
Scoring: Online

Particularly useful to identify EAL students who may appear to be competent readers but who could have weak comprehension skills, these standardised tests will help you to understand the reading ability of your group or class and allow you to use this information to support personalised learning and target setting.

Each test is made up of two parts:

  • sentence completion, which measures decoding with some element of comprehension;
  • then, depending on the student’s score, either a passage comprehension, which measures a range of comprehension skills of increasing difficulty; or very weak readers will take a phonics task.

The fully adaptive digital tests adjust to match each student’s reading ability as they progress through the test. This allows the accurate assessment of students of all abilities, from the least able to the most able.

The tests provide a range of measures for each child including a Standard Age Score (SAS) and Reading Age. These enable you to track progress through the year, or year-on-year, and can be used at key points, for example when a student enters the school or to monitor progress after interventions.

The range of instant reports that can be generated feature clear narrative explanations and comprehensive graphs that enable you to build a full picture of each student’s skills. This information will support you in improving literacy across your school by:

  • Identifying students who have a mismatch between their reading and comprehension skills
  • Seeing which students may need additional testing or diagnosis for specific literacy difficulties
  • Providing a benchmark of reading ability for individual students, year groups or classes
  • Tracking and measuring progress year-on-year or within a school year
  • Supporting personalised learning by setting targets and interventions

The Group progress report for teachers enables you to track progress between two test dates – ideal for assessing the impact of interventions.

You can also use the CAT4 Combination Report to analyse reading attainment against verbal reasoning ability to assess a student’s potential against their current attainment.

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