PASS Online Administrations (Up to 800 students)


Identify fragile learners and discover hidden barriers to learning

Student wellbeing is important to education, not just for personal and social outcomes, but because wellbeing underpins academic achievement. The Pupil Attitudes to Self and School (PASS) is a short, online, self-report survey that teachers can use to gain valuable insight into attitudes that could be hindering school progress.

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SKU: PASS08 Category:


PASS – Pupil attitudes to self and school 

Quick Reference Guide
Student age range: 4-18+ years
Designed for use by: Teachers, Senior Leadership Teams, Educational Psychologists and Health Professionals
Test duration: Approx 20 minutes
Test format: Digital Survey
Scoring: Online

The PASS attitudinal survey helps teachers detect possible barriers to learning, including issues around confidence, resilience, motivation, concentration, dissatisfaction and alienation. In just 20 minutes PASS helps identify the reasons behind low achievement, challenging behaviour or poor attendance, enabling teachers to build a complete picture of a student’s motivation, attitude and school engagement. 


PASS measures nine factors, which research indicates are significantly linked to educational outcomes:

Attitudinal FactorWhat It Measures
Feelings about schoolExplores whether a pupil feels secure, confident and included in their learning community.
Perceived learning capabilityOffers an insight into a pupil’s level of self-respect, determination and openness to learning.
Self-regard, as a learnerEquivalent to self-worth, this measure is focused specifically on self-awareness as a learner, highlighting levels of motivation and determination.
Preparedness for learningThis measure covers areas such as study skills, attentiveness and concentration, looking at the pupil’s determination and openness to learning.
Attitudes to teachersThis measures a young person’s perceptions of the relationships they have with the adults in school. A low score can flag a lack of respect.
General work ethicHighlights the pupil’s aspirations and motivation to succeed in life, this measure focuses on purpose and direction, not just at school, but beyond.
Confidence in learningIdentifies a pupil’s ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with a challenge.
Attitudes to attendanceCorrelating very highly with actual attendance 12 months later, this measure enables teachers to intercede earlier with strategies to reduce the likelihood of truancy.
Response to curriculum demandsThis measure focuses more narrowly on school-based motivation to undertake and complete curriculum based tasks, highlighting the pupil’s approach to communication and collaboration.

What you can do with PASS data:

  • Understand the root causes of why a pupil is disengaging.
  • Predict accurately which pupils are most likely to stop attending school, up to 12 months in advance.
  • Find out if your pupils are struggling with the study skills they need to access the curriculum.
  • Gauge learner’s self-worth, which could be affecting academic potential.
  • Identify ‘invisible’ groups such as fragile learners.


Reports are made instantly available on our online assessment analysis system. Interpretation of results is made easy with a bar graph representation and a simple traffic light system for identifying high/medium/low support required.

Visual reports can be downloaded instantly following the survey completion, and broken down by demographics (nationality, gender, ethnicity), specified groupings (EAL category, additional educational need), or on an individual level.

Our online intervention system enables you to:

  • Visualise reports easily in bar chart form
  • Analyse results according to any required demographic
  • Access thousands of intervention strategies
  • Compare screening results over time
  • Measure the impact of intervention strategies
  • Create Excel and PDF reports for cohort groups/whole school analysis


Measure The Effectiveness Of Intervention Strategies

Allowing a minimum of 12 weeks between surveys, you can run the PASS survey for a second time with the school/cohort and then compare the two reports.

Together with CAT4 and NGRT, PASS results can identify fragile learners and gifted students who need greater challenges. PASS adds valuable insight to the ability data you have from CAT4 by explaining why some students’ attainment doesn’t appear to match their ability.

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