WJ IV – Woodcock Johnson (4th Ed, Australasian Adaptation)

The trusted, individually-administered Woodcock Johnson Fourth Edition (WJIV) evaluates learning problems in a way that no other assessment can. Paired with the Woodcock Interpretive and Instructional Interventions Program (WIIIP), teaching staff receive a personalised report of carefully targeted, evidence-based instructional interventions to improve the assessed student’s learning outcomes.

PAA Education offers Schools wanting to take the next step in Assessment and Interventions should take advantage of the WJIV School Combo Package for $2,000 (ex-GST), a saving of more than $400 if purchased individually.

  • WJ IV Tests of Achievement

  • WJ IV Tests of Oral Language 

  • WIIIP Interpretive and Instructional Interventions Program

Like to know more about WJIV School Combo Package?
Contact Wally Howe, Director of PAA Education
B.A Dip.Ed. M.Ed (Hons) MAPS, FCEDP 
Registered Psychologist (PSY0001138630)


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WJIV School Combo Package (Fourth Edition, Australasian Adaptation)

WJ IV Achievement Battery, Australasian Adaptation

(USER LEVEL: C – Registered Psychologists; School Counsellors; Special Education and Learning Support Specialists)

Determining achievement strengths and weaknesses is easier than ever! The WJ IV Tests of Achievement (Form C) Australasian Adaptation is ideal for accurately screening, diagnosing and monitoring progress in reading, writing and mathematics achievement areas.

Examiners receive 11 tests in the standard battery. Using the standard battery provides a broad set of scores, while the extended battery allows for more in-depth diagnostic assessment of specific strengths and weaknesses. The selective testing feature of the WJ IV offers examiners the option to only administer the specific tests relevant to any referral questions. As a result, an examiner seldom needs to administer all of the tests or complete all of the interpretive options for a single person.

  • Easy-to-use test and cluster comparison procedures allow identification of achievement strengths and weaknesses.
  • New two-test Reading, Mathematics, and Written Language clusters provide standard skill development measures without speed requirements.
  • New Oral Reading, Reading Speed, and Reading Comprehension tests provide diagnostically useful measures that are necessary for the evaluation of reading performance.
  • New Number Matrices test adds a richer, in-depth interpretation of maths problem-solving ability.
  • New variation procedures allow for comparison of fluency to basic skills and applications – an important diagnostic marker.
  • Qualitative checklists for each test in the Standard Battery provide important information that is critical to understanding student performance.
  • Updated and expanded Science, Social Studies, and Humanities tests can be compared to academic achievement.
  • Increased diagnostic capability with measures of phonetic coding and speed of lexical access when used with the WJ IV Tests of Oral Language.
  • New Reading Fluency and Reading Rate clusters provide reliable and comprehensive measures of reading fluency.


Standard BatteryExtended Battery
Test 1: Letter-Word IdentificationTest 12: Reading Recall
Test 2: Applied Problems Test 13: Number Matrices
Test 3: Spelling Test 14: Editing
Test 4: Passage Comprehension Test 15: Word Reading Fluency
Test 5: Calculation Test 16: Spelling of Sounds
Test 6: Writing Samples Test 17: Reading Vocabulary
Test 7: Word AttackTest 18: Science
Test 8: Oral ReadingTest 19: Social Studies
Test 9: Sentence Reading Fluency Test 20: Humanities
Test 10: Math Facts Fluency
Test 11: Writing Fluency

WJ IV ACH Clusters

ReadingWritten Language
Broad ReadingBroad Written Language
Basic Reading Skills Basic Writing Skills
Reading Comprehension Written Expression
Reading Comprehension ExtendedAcademic Skills
Reading FluencyAcademic Applications
Reading RateAcademic Fluency
MathematicsAcademic Knowledge
Broad MathematicsPhoneme-Grapheme Knowledge
Math Calculation SkillsBrief Achievement
Math Problem SolvingBroad Achievement

WJ IV Oral Language Battery, Australasian Adaptation

(USER LEVEL: C – Registered Psychologists; School Counsellors; Special Education and Learning Support Specialists; Speech Pathologists)

The WJ IV Tests of Oral Language provide important contemporary measures of oral language abilities for diagnostic decision-making utilising patterns of strengths and weaknesses (PSW) as well as providing a measure of Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency (CALP).

The Oral Language tests may be used to determine and describe an individuals strengths and weaknesses with regard to expressive language. The 9-test battery are presented in a single easel.

Depending on the purpose and extent of the assessment, an examiner can use any of these tests independently or in conjunction with the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities and/or WJ IV Tests of Achievement. Several of the battery’s tests were derived from the material in the WJ III Tests of Achievement and WJ III Tests of Cognitive Abilities.

Use the WJ IV Oral Language battery to:

  • Measure four aspects of oral language in English.
  • Provide language-related insights into observed learning problems.


  • Innovative design makes the Tests of Oral Language an important diagnostic supplement to the Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Tests of Achievement.
  • Allows for the evaluation of strengths and weaknesses among oral language abilities for a more complete evaluation of specific learning disabilities including dyslexia.
  • New Segmentation test provides important information about phonological processing.
  • Increases diagnostic sensitivity with measures of phonetic coding and speed of lexical access.
  • Yields a measure of Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) which is often more useful in academic settings than measures of Basic Interpersonal Communication skills (BICS).
  • Provides a unique comparison of oral language comprehension for comparison to levels of academic achievement.
  • Compares achievement levels to oral language ability for a complete picture of the child’s skills.


  • Allows examiners to evaluate the presence and severity of any phonological or rapid automatic naming deficits.
  • Provides language-related insights into observed learning problems.
  • Determines if academic achievement is commensurate with, or discrepant from, the ability to comprehend oral language.
  • Identifies the cognitive and academic language proficiency of English language learners.
  • Measures foundational phonological skills-breaking words into parts and blending sounds to make words.
  • Evaluates the impact of oral language proficiency on cognitive and academic performance.
  • Compare achievement levels to oral language ability.

WJ IV OL Tests

Test 1: Picture VocabularyTest 7: Sound Blending
Test 2: Oral ComprehensionTest 8: Retrieval Fluency
Test 3: SegmentationTest 9: Sound Awareness
Test 4: Rapid Picture Naming
Test 5: Sentence Repetition
Test 6: Understanding Directions

WJ IV OL Clusters

Oral Language Phonetic Coding
Broad Oral LanguagePhonetic Coding-Extended
Oral Expression Speed of Lexical Access
Listening ComprehensionVocabulary*

WJ IV Interpretation & Instructional Interventions Program (WIIIP) Kit

Kit includes scoring program USB and Overview of the WJ IV Interpretation & Instructional Interventions Program for WJ IV Australasian Adaptation.

The new WIIIP® provides a detailed interpretation of student performance on the WJ IV™ and offers personalized, evidence-based interventions and strategies based on an examinee’s scores. The new WIIIP expands on the already significant library of previous versions, offering hundreds of new interventions and accommodations not available anywhere else.

The interventions and accommodations offered in WIIIP provide actionable steps for schools and practitioners working on problem-solving teams, and can serve as an ideal solution for implementing discrepancy models or Response to Intervention (RtI) processes.


Download FREE WJ IV Sample Reports
These sample reports provide you with an indication of the reporting you can expect from WJ IV. Links to reports will be emailed to you.


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